Thursday, April 27, 2006

In the Beginning...

I think if one had a device that measured conservative ire, say, a leftoscope, there would be periods throughout history when the leftoscope would amble along with slight deviations, and brief times when it would go off the charts. Such as day was June 23, 2005.

On that day, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on behalf of the City of New London Connecticut against Susette Kelo et al. If at this point you're scratching your head and thinking "You know, I think I've heard of something called a Supreme Court..." I might recommend this link ( to Wikipedia, a nice resource that accurately summarizes the case. For those without the time to do the research, the Constitution of the United States has always provided for the taking of private property for public use (see Amendment V... "nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"). Note the use of the word "use." Not public benefit. Not private benefit. This case changed the rules; now, a municipality could take private property and give it (after providing just compensation to the displaced property owner) to another private party, like a real estate developer, under the assumption that the public would benefit from increased jobs and or tax revenues. I'll elaborate in a future post about the concept of natural law, but this decision was contrary to everything this country was based upon.

What's special to me about that day was that I met some like-minded souls online and we began a regular correspondence. The idea has been - and remains - to begin a process of educating citizens on the right and proper nature of government, and to provide leadership in pursuit of that end. Our Founders were very clear on the proper role of the general government, as Madison called it, and always imagined that the general government's powers would be limited and defined, and the balance of power would belong to the states, or the people.

Now anybody with eyes, ears and a pocketbook will tell you that this sure isn't the case today. The federal government has grown (and grown and grown) beyond all comprehension and intent. Americans pay more of every dollar earned on taxes than they do on food, clothing or shelter (for a good resource on tax matters see:

We've come to a point where to continue as we have would put our very Republic in harm's way. Conservatives have noted with dismay that the Republican Party doesn't seem to care a whole lot. Spending under this GOP-controlled Congress is as bad as it has been in a long time. Generally speaking, people are fed up with politics and politicians, and for good reason.

So what now? I think that people need to slowly take back control of their lives. Hopefully, enough good people stand up and take leadership positions... which is sort of what this blog is but a small part of. I'm hoping to invite my dear friends to team up with me on this blog and between the few of us, provide a little education, a little commentary, a little entertainment and some much-needed leadership. A long time ago a group of men pledged to each other their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, that they'd support the Declaration they were making. With the blessings of Providence, they did it. Here's hoping that Providence favors our cause: the return of a self-governing people and renewal of this Republic.

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