Tuesday, December 30, 2008

On Bailouts

I wrote a post over at the Institute for Balanced Government entitled On Balance and Bailouts that I wanted to share here; while this used to be the main place for such topics, I'm going to post on balanced government mostly in that space.

I've been posting at Red County on local government issues (we have this Governor... where to begin?) and started posting on a personal site to communicate with local voters on my run for Township Trustee. An exciting time, for sure, but if anyone has seen something I've lost called "free time" I would appreciate you a) tackling it and pinning it to the ground and b) calling me as soon as possible to let me know you've found it.


Call Me Mom said...

Running for office? Woo hoo!Go Michael!
If I find myself with any extra free time, you can be sure I'll send it your way.:)

Terry Morris said...


It's a great post over at the Institute, but sometimes I feel we're just beating our heads up against a brick wall, invoking the wisdom of the founders and all.

Michael Tams said...


You and I agree on this; which makes me recall a conversation we had about doing it. Proving it can work, in other words. Which, I hope, isn't too ambitious a goal.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the information......

Entertainment at one stop